Case Study Hospitality

The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

Rock Legends Play in Comfort with FANWALL TECHNOLOGY®

Nortek Air Solutions - Huntair logo

At A Glance

BACKGROUND: The owners of the Joint, a state-of-the-art concert venue at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, were doubling the venue’s capacity to 4,000. They needed an air handling solution for the concert venue and meeting rooms.
ISSUE: The owners required low sound levels, reliability, and tight temperature control for the concert venue. The air handling solution needed to mitigate downtime and acoustical problems, particularly during performances.
SOLUTION: Eight Huntair® brand air handlers with FANWALL TECHNOLOGY supply 142,500 cfm of conditioned air to the concert facility, while an additional six units supply 104,000 cfm of conditioned air to the meeting rooms.
RESULTS: The state-of-the-art air handlers with FANWALL TECHNOLOGY use multiple fan arrays to provide reliability and quiet operation. Since the FANWALL® array uses no belts or bearings, the low maintenance of the fan system was an added bonus on the operations side.

Challenge Solution

Low sound levels, reliability, and tight temperature control were high priorities to Vic A. Sibilla, PE, COO and Owner, FEA Consulting Engineers, in selecting the air conditioning system. Sibilla first learned of FANWALL TECHNOLOGY by Huntair during a local touring show­case of technologies with Cory Nehls, VP, Mechanical Products Nevada, Inc. “I was so impressed when I first saw and heard the FANWALL array running that I couldn’t wait to find the right application. Engineers tend to be very traditional when it comes to ‘new’ technology, but this equipment definite­ly made an impression,” Sibilla commented.

Reliability and Low Sound

A visit to Huntair’s factory in Portland, OR, was arranged with a representative from the hotel’s engineering team, Sibilla, and Nehls. “We were all impressed with the quality of the FANWALL product at the factory,” Nehls said, “and had a chance to listen to a unit operating in the lab.”

“The owner was drawn to the low sound and the low maintenance fea­tures of the FANWALL array, especially the fact that there were no belts to worry about or bearings to grease,” Sibilla added. He went on to say, “The Joint can’t tolerate any downtime or acoustical problems, especially during a performance, and the FANWALL direct drive fans were the best technology available to mitigate those risks.”

Nine-fan array of one of the 34,000 CFM Huntair air handlers providing reliable airflow through redundant FANWALL cells.
Nine-fan array of one of the 34,000 CFM Huntair air handlers providing reliable airflow through redundant FANWALL cells.
Factory wired control panels from Huntair with redundant VFD drives for supply and return fans.
Factory wired control panels from Huntair with redundant VFD drives for supply and return fans.

“The owner is so impressed at how quiet these units operate that he wishes he could change out all of his fans at the hotel to a FANWALL array.”


“I was so impressed when I first saw and heard the FANWALL array running that I couldn’t wait to find the right application. Engineers tend to be very traditional when it comes to ‘new’ technology, but this equipment definite­ly made an impression,”

- Vic A. Sibilla, PE, COO and Owner, FEA Consulting Engineers


  • Increase uptime with fan redundancy
  • Reduce maintenance expense with no belts or bearings to maintain plus commonality of parts between fan cells
  • Lower sound levels eliminate sound traps and associated energy loss
  • Eliminate expensive fan isolation or pads
  • Reduce energy bills with higher fan efficiencies
  • Reduce electrical demand and backup generator size with lower connected load
  • Gain back valuable real estate with smaller fan footprint
  • Avoid demolition/cranes during upgrade
  • Minimize system downtime during retrofit


  • The owners of the Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino needed a reliable, quiet air handling solution for the expansion of the Joint, a premier concert venue in Las Vegas.
  • The project team selected Huntair brand air handlers with FANWALL TECHNOLOGY to supply conditioned air to the concert venue and meeting rooms.
  • The air handling solution utilizes multiple fan arrays to provide a reliable and low sound air supply.