Innovative Noise-Reduction Technologies

At Nortek Air Solutions, we understand that acoustics are a major consideration for your air handling solution, and many building types require HVAC systems with low sound levels — not just offices or schools, but also healthcare facilities, theaters, museums, and laboratories.

Our innovative noise-reduction technologies will help you lower sound levels for comfortable, functional building environments.

Coplanar Silencer®

Our Coplanar Silencer reduces fan sound power levels by up to 18 dB — and maintains full-fan efficiency — without adding any length to the system for attenuation devices. The patented enclosure for FANWALL cubes is lined with perforated steel and acoustic insulation. Noise is reduced by directing the sound wave through multiple layers of acoustically absorbent material between the fans in the array.

Passive Noise Control (PNC)

Nortek Air Solutions’ proprietary PNC cone is installed at the inlet of each fan cube to absorb a portion of the fan inlet sound. It can help achieve up to 12dB in sound reduction. In the 63Hz, 125Hz, and 250Hz octave bands, it can achieve up to 5dB in sound reduction. Because the human ear can perceive a change in decibels of 3dB or more, this technology can make an appreciable difference for building occupants’ comfort. PNC comes factory-installed. For knockdown units that will be field-assembled or retrofit projects, PNC is easy to install: each cone can simply be bolted to the fan and then sealed with caulk to prevent air bypass. PNC is also compatible with Nortek Air Solutions’ backdraft damper, which not only helps idled fans achieve near-zero system effect impact but can also improve acoustical performance.


Our FANWALL systems are available with a high-performance polymer fan wheel. This premium, efficient, quiet fan has an improved aerodynamic blade shape, shroud, and cone. Additionally, its material provides damping to reduce sound tones from the impeller and motor, resulting in typical sound reduction of 5 dB of fan blade passage frequencies on inlet and discharge.

FANWALL systems are designed to eliminate vibration at the source, within each FANWALL cube, through stringent balance requirements and the use of sturdy components. This results in more efficient and quieter operation and eliminates the need to isolate a FANWALL array within the air handler. It can also help eliminate the need for a concrete inertia pad for the air handler, while meeting requirements for seismic certification.

Vertical Self-contained System

The V-Cube™ Vertical Self-contained System is designed to be so quiet that it can be installed adjacent to occupied spaces without costly attenuation features.

The acoustic performance of our product designs are verified in the Nortek Air Solutions AMCA-accredited sound lab.