Custom Air Handling Units offer very low vibration and noise levels. Featuring FANWALL Technology for superior redundancy, small footprints, versatile inlet and discharge configurations, low noise and vibration. Integral to the quality of the air handling unit are high efficiency fans, designed and manufactured specifically for our products for extremely quiet/low vibration operation. Air handlers feature Premium efficiency motors, Ultra-premium Efficiency IE5+ motors, or ECMi motors/drives.
Our air handling units are available to ship from multiple manufacturing sites strategically located across North America.

Recirculating Air Handlers
Highest level of performance & reliability
Meets NC-60 noise criteria & below
Custom sizes from 1000 to 200,000 CFM
Easy to remove fan/motor assembly
Volume control & flow measurement options
Cabinet finish easy to maintain with low off-gas materials
Make-Up Air Handlers
Welded structural steel base
Removable panels & insulation
Rugged, efficient, & quiet fans
FANWALL TECHNOLOGY® fan arrays with built-in redundancy for no down time, reliability, low noise and vibration, and flexible aspect ratios
Non-shedding insulation panels
Optional flow control and optimization