Up to 400,000+ cfm custom air handling solutions for indoor and outdoor applications.

Our custom air handlers minimize total cost of ownership while meeting the most challenging requirements for fit, efficiency, and reliability in a wide range of industries, including healthcareeducationmanufacturing, data centers, cleanroomsoffices, and hospitality. With years of experience designing and manufacturing custom solutions, we offer industry-leading flexibility and versatility to meet your application requirements.

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Quiet, Energy-efficient Operation

FANWALL TECHNOLOGY systems create an even piston of air to enhance heat transfer and promote more even filter loading.

System optimization controls allow on/off control of individual fan cubes to be turned on or off to closely match requirements in variable airflow applications.

Can eliminate the need for sound attenuators and other ancillary components that create a static pressure penalty within the air handler.

Active noise control provides up to a 22 dB reduction in sound power at the troublesome blade pass frequency in lower octave bands.

High-Quality Construction Options

The unitized mechanical frame system, ITF (Integrated Frame), provides a rigid platform with a complete welded internal base.

Airtight unit casing with a thermal break available.

AHRI Certified™ performance heating and cooling coils.

Knockdown and site-built air handlers options


Contact factory to determine the certifications applicable to your custom air handler.

Typical compliance tested to ETL, AMCA standards.

IBC or OSHPD seismic pre-approval and Miami-Dade County, Florida Product Control approved.


FANWALL TECHNOLOGY® provides added flexibility in optimizing fan-wheel geometry and motor horsepower for a specific application.

Multiple filtration options are available for pharmaceutical, biomedical, industrial or healthcare facilities ventilation, including pre-filters, high efficiency, HEPA/ULPA, odor control media, and electrostatic precipitation.