As Seen in Clean Air and Containment Review Journal

There are many considerations when designing a cleanroom ceiling system and this article sets out to list and explain the most important.
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The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

Eight air handlers powered by HUNTAIR® FANWALL TECHNOLOGY supply 142,500 CFM of conditioned air to the concert facility The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.
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John E. Jaqua Academic Center

Rooftop EnergyPack® air handling units help the University of Oregon provide advanced comfort to student athletes in their new academic support center.
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Encore Wire Sustainable R&D Center

A Temtrol-brand air handler with a six fan FANWALL array overcame many challenges including stringent energy efficiency requirements and a constrained unit footprint for a new 13,000 sq. ft. research and development center designed for LEED Platinum certification.
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USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience

Nortek Air Solutions supplied a complete cleanroom package including flooring, walls, finishes and protocol management for the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience.
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Delta Dental of Michigan — Ultraline™ Custom Packaged Rooftop System

Delta Dental of Michigan wanted to be environmentally conscious in their extensive headquarters expansion to achieve LEED Gold certification; Ultraline Custom-Packaged Rooftop Systems with evaporative condensing direct expansion systems, FANWALL TECHNOLOGY, and high-efficiency boilers helped accomplish this goal.
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Dell Children’s Medical Center

A Temtrol-brand air handler provides ventilation for the 6,500 sq. ft. MRI operating suite of Dell Children’s Medical Center, meeting stringent environmental requirements for a surgical operating room.
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Commercial Office Building — Retrofit with FANWALL TECHNOLOGY®

A commercial office building needed to replace six aging air handlers; the larger single or dual fan AHUs were replaced with Nortek Air Solutions' knockdown units with multiple FANWALL arrays.
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College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering

Nortek Air Solutions supplied a Ventrol-brand sectional rooftop air handler for a cleanroom installation on campus.
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Chicago Board of Trade — FANWALL® Retrofit

Rising maintenance costs and the higher probability of an HVAC system failure provided ample support for replacing aging builtup air handlers installed in 24th floor mechanical rooms with a modular fan array system using FANWALL TECHNOLOGY.
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