Sutter Roseville Medical Center

FANWALL arrays resulted in a 43 percent drop in energy use delivering same airflow as the old vaneaxial fan.
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Hilton San Francisco

Hotel operators now benefit from a much quieter system, redundancy to avoid downtime and energy savings that resulted in a $13,000 rebate from Pacific Gas & Electric.
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The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

Eight air handlers powered by HUNTAIR® FANWALL TECHNOLOGY supply 142,500 CFM of conditioned air to the concert facility The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.
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Chicago Board of Trade — FANWALL® Retrofit

Rising maintenance costs and the higher probability of an HVAC system failure provided ample support for replacing aging builtup air handlers installed in 24th floor mechanical rooms with a modular fan array system using FANWALL TECHNOLOGY.
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Schermerhorn Symphony Center

Custom air handlers at Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville were damaged beyond repair in a flood, then replaced with knock-down air handlers with FANWALL TECHNOLOGY which were brought into the space in individual pieces through an existing outdoor air opening 20 feet below grade.
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Transamerica Pyramid

Thanks to replacing the aging air handler fans, tenants and building management now benefit from a much quieter system, redundancy to avoid downtime and a savings of 80,000 kWh in energy consumption that resulted in an $11,000 rebate from Pacific Gas & Electric.
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